Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, 24 December 2011


Semalam aku ada tengok rancangan MAHARAJA LAWAK. Ya, tak ada ape yang menarik untuk di bincangkan dengan rancangan tu. Yang buat aku sedikit curious tatkala aku terbaca ada tulisan pada nama AC MIZAL. I see word DATO' in front of his name. What i can said is what the hell! How come him can get that tittle so easily. What him contribute to Malaysia until get that tittle. I never heard him won any trophy for hosting for asian level instead world! So, i just google about that penganugerahan and found something about that also this picture. Sigghhhh....

Ok. Maybe some of u will said i just dengki for what him achieve. Suka hati korang la kan. But i just can't really understand what him give to our country. For what i know is, he already got many issues in him life. Dengan syarikat gelang dia yang terang-terangan menipu orang ramai. I dont know him got bentley using that money scam. If yes i just hope nothing happen to him when using that luxurious car. In addition, from what i read him also got issue dalam pemberian nafkah with him ex - wife. From what know, that case also seem like never endless. Aku sebenarnya bukan dengki ke apa. Seriously i'm not! I just hope that tittle not so easily to award it or else that word ( tittle ) are not valuable anymore. Just some opinion from ordinary person.

notakaki: Aku nak jadi datuk tungge bercucu je la nanti..


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